URSA Academy
Stress, It’s Contribution To Weight Gain And How To Prevent It

In today’s world we are all burdened with stress from work, financial obligations, and family matters. When stress is high, cortisol, the stress hormone, rears its ugly head. This can trigger pathways that affect our emotional well-being as well as our ability to burn fat and build muscle. So what do we do? Let’s find out!


Consistent high levels of cortisol can lead to fat gain and redirect stored fat to places like our belly, and we don’t want that!


Not only does cortisol affect our fat metabolism, it also can impact the hormones that affect hunger and cravings. When insulin is unavailable to deliver sugar to energy-craving cells, the body sends a signal to the brain that it needs to eat. So what does your body do? It sends a big surge of the hunger hormone to the body! This causes over consumption of calories to compensate for low energy levels.


If you’re feeling an overwhelming amount of stress in your life, it’s time to make some changes. Some tools to alleviate stress are exercise such as kickboxing or weight training. A more relaxing form of exercise such as yoga has proven to lower cortisol levels after just a month. Let’s not forget about good old sleep. Make sure you’re aiming for a full eight hours each night.


The foods we eat can either help fight stress or further cause stress your body by causing inflammation. Consuming foods that are high in Omega-3, as well as fibrous and low-glycemic, can keep inflammation down. Fruit and vegetables that deliver antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are also essential. Don’t forget that if you’re eating meat, keep it lean!

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